
These are tasmanian devil threats. One of the worst tasmanian devil threat is “Devil Facial Tumour Disease” ( DFTD). This disease can cause gigantic bumps of skin appear, this disease is a type of cancer, which means that they will die in 6 months. Scientists have found out that this disease started with one tasmanian devil female. They found this out with a  DNA sample, It seems to be that all the tasmanian devils with this disease is related to her in some way. Another threat are farmers. a long time ago farmers would set traps for them. That is because the tasmanian devils would eat their animals, until they had almost nothing left. they would also set traps for them because of their growling noise. The noise would scare the animals, and they couldn’t get the animals to calm down. At one point they were almost hunted until extinction. Aside from that, their forests are being cut down, In other words, we are cutting down their habitat.

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